Monday, August 30, 2004
nothing much [update, i suppose]
there has been nothing to write in particular, which is partly the reason why i have not posted. the other part of the reason is that i have been busy, which has been posted in the previous post.
a couple friends and i realized that summer was ending soon--as well as our holidays--thus, we went out on a huge mission to go out every day. enjoyed a few plays, donated to a couple charity festivals, visited a few musuems, etc., etc., etc.--mission completed.
toronto keeps you busy--one way or another.
anyways, so i didn't write. usually i use to blog to rant about things or something that interests me, but i suppose i didn't have anything to complain about and logically [at least in my mind's eye], i didn't feel the need to post.
it's better to save your energy for sleep than to write. although, it can be a symptom of my laziness.
| lily* || 0 || 11:21 p.m. |