Monday, December 13, 2004
look after yourself, look after one another--right to play

one of the few highlights in the Right to Play's December 2004 Red Ball Report:

Sport Offers New Hope in the Middle East

Across Israel and the Palestinian Territories, innovative "Twinning Programs" are using the universal love of sport to bring Israeli and Palestinian youths together as never before.

Israeli and Palestinian youth share a passion for soccer. Recognizing this common bond, the Peres Centre for Peace and Right To Play have designed a program of activities that use soccer to promote cultural integration between these two populations, and act as an avenue by which social change can be encouraged. Youth from both backgrounds play together on the same team, learning how to communicate and work together, while having fun. In addition to the sport program, the children also receive Peace Education training.

The first set of Twinned Soccer Schools, involving over seventy children, was established by the Peres Center for Peace in 2002. Israeli and Palestinian children came together on a regular basis to participate in joint sporting and social activities. The immediate success of the project sparked plans for a large-scale, long-term program of Twinned Peace Sport Schools.

Today, six communities participate in Right To Play funded projects: the Israeli communities of Sderot, Bnei Aish, and Kiriyat Ekron; and the Palestinian communities of Issawiya, the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, and Tzur Baher. Expansion of the project is planned for a number of additional communities.

"The direct and positive impacts of the Project can be clearly seen. The children show improvements in their sporting skills and attitudes towards each other," said Right To Play's Middle East Regional Office Delegate Erika Bockstael. "Many of the children participating had never interacted with children from the 'other side' before joining this project. Today they call each other friends and meet regularly, despite the ongoing and escalating conflict. Beyond the children, the Project also reaches their families and communities, and the Palestinian and Israeli Coaches who now meet regularly and are working together to achieve the same goals, again a first for many of them. Some of the Coaches and families have been actively engaged in the conflict and participating in this project has truly been a life changing experience."

In the current climate, characterized by very few positive encounters between Israeli and Palestinians, the Twinning projects are a powerful, non-political way to bring Israeli and Palestinian children together.

Alon Beer, Sport Projects Director at the Peres Center for Peace

Following the success of the Twinned Soccer Schools project, the Peres Centre for Peace and Right To Play, together with the Israel Tennis Center, are cooperating to implement a Twinned Kindergartens program. The objective of the program is to bring together Israeli and Palestinian children aged four to six years. The children participate in activities focusing on motor skills development, learn about the values of peace and tolerance, and are encouraged to accept cultural differences.

Currently, a pilot program is underway, which includes one Israeli and one Palestinian kindergarten. The feedback received has been very positive, prompting plans to expand the program to include ten Israeli and ten Palestinian kindergartens from Jerusalem and its surrounding areas.

| lily* || 2 || 9:36 p.m. |

i must say that i agree with you.

however, it brings across a sense of optimism that israelis and palestinians can coexist with one another.

and a little bit of hope from each of us is all we need to propel forward.

or perhaps i am feeling optimistic.

i probably am. and yet, my idealism remains.

By Blogger Lily C, at 9:49 p.m.  

Lets hope the program is not doomed to failure.

It is good to know that there is those that despite the hawkish behavior of those in positions of power both in Israel and Palestine are still willing to give peace a chance.

Orain Pakea!

By Blogger Aleksu, at 11:54 a.m.  

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